Friday, July 22, 2016

Mumbai's Nature Photography Spots: Nagla Block

     Continuing with the Nature photography spots of Mumbai, this post is about one of my favorite spot to spend the early morning, especially in the monsoon season. A pure treasure for macro lovers with a HUGE variety of butterflies, insects, flowers and loads and loads of caterpillars. It also houses range of reptiles and several birds too including the jewel of the jungle Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher, though I havent encountered it yet.
     Nagla block is an extension of Sanjay Gandhi national park but geographically separated off naturally with the Vasai Creek and artificially by the Ghodbunder road. Situated along the NH-8 this paradise is very well isolated from the hustle bustle of the urban jungle, apart from the noise off the highway traffic, especially the new age, show off, monster bikes speeding off the highway.

A Satellite view of Nagla area
Timings: 7:30a.m. to 6p.m.
(Have seen few people entering the trail early in the morning and paying for the ticket while returning)
- Reach till Fountain hotel via B.E.S.T./ T.M.M.T/N.M.M.T bus either from Thane or Borivali and walk towards the Vasai bridge and reach the destination(15-20 mins walk)
- Drive all the way towards the Vasai creek bridge and take the first right post the petrol pump, there is ample parking space available for 4 wheelers and 2 wheelers

44 for single entry(updated from 2016)
₹ 133 for 4 wheeler parking(2015 rates)

     I have explored the area in almost all seasons, not very regular visits, but I have just enjoyed the occasional trips that I had, most of them during the months of July to September, one in winter and one in summer cum pre-monsoon. The location is so rich in nature's beauty that in one of the trips I could encounter 40+ varieties of butterflies(including 4 lifers for me), several moths, innumerable varieties of bugs and beetles and spiders. The area is also rich with a variety of snakes like vine snake, bronze-back and many more while also there has been sightings of chameleons too, unfortunately I havent been lucky to spot them in the expeditions I had. The sightings during the post winter/pre summer season was neither that disappointing with close to 30+ varieties of butterflies, even during the dry season, along with a variety of interesting insects and huge varieties of winged faunas like the Grey Hornbil, variety of barbets, orioles, leaf birds and many more rarely sighted birds.

     Following are few samples of the beauties I have encountered in the multiple trips, hope to have a few more till the end of the monsoon.

An Owlfly, a rare beauty generally spotted in this trail regularly

A Harvestman, an interesting form of arachnids commonly spotted along the trail
Close up shot of the beauty(Harvestman)

Baronet butterfly, commonly sighted along the Nagla trail

A mating pair of Grass Demon, also a regularly spotted beauty(not necessarily in mating form)

A rarity, Indian Skipper, made a rare appearance in July 2015

An interesting stick insect type mantis, Have sighted Boxer mantis alos in this area but the rarest and elusive one has been the Violin Mantis(Gongylus)

Probably a spittle bug, it acted dead when I tried to touch it

One of the master craft of the spittle bug
Katydid, this was a strange pose the Katydid took when we approached it for some frames
Parasite infested bug, a usual sight amongst the bugs, due to some reason most of the insects. Right from spiders to caterpillar have been infected with these parasites

One of the beautiful caterpillar with killer patterns

Another caterpillar beauty, Tussock Moth Caterpillar

Signature spider with a catch
Some interesting variety of moths
Master of camouflage, another Moth

Train of  Grasshopper nymphs
Intricacy of the nature
Master of disguise, a bug which seems like an ant

This is the most favourite flower for the insect, have spotted a variety of butterflies, moths and flies on it
Michelin boy,  Fruit piercing moth caterpillar

Huge grasshopper

Tiger beetle, love this beauty, but is highly active and sometimes a real pain to frame it.

Caught and angel, A spitting spider with Plum Judy
Caterpillar fiddling with water droplet

Mutli-coloured and vibrant Common Mime butterfly's caterpillar

Though I have a whole stock of images but couldnt share it in this blog, so kindly check the other photographs in the following link:

Nagla Recent set 

Earlier sets - 1 

Earlier sets - 2 

Earlier sets - 3 

Earlier sets - 4 

Earlier sets - 5 

Hope this Blog highlights the amount of beauties in store and enchants you to give it a visit. Do share your thoughts in the comments and also share your valuable feedback to improve the quality of the blog


  1. Beautiful images n interesting write up.

  2. Very informative article with beautiful set of photographs. Just one suggestion to mention base village name - Sasupada and a lanfmark.

  3. Very informative article with beautiful set of photographs. Just one suggestion to mention base village name - Sasupada and a lanfmark.

  4. Very nicely written mate. Makes me wanna go immediately.

  5. Very nicely written mate. Makes me wanna go immediately.
